Types of Hearing Aids
Hearing aids come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and models. The devices can be grouped under the following categories:
Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC)

Completely-In-the-Canal (CIC) hearing aids are appropriate for some types of hearing loss and are recommended for adults and some older teenagers. The hearing device is housed within a custom-made shell that fits comfortably and completely into each ear canal. The device is removed by pulling on a tiny plastic wire. The CIC is the smallest and least visible of all the hearing aid styles. Note: due to its small size, this type of hearing instrument also has the most repairs
In-The-Canal (ITC)

In-The-Canal (ITC) hearing aids are appropriate for most types of hearing loss and are recommended for adults. The hearing device is housed within a custom-made shell that fits comfortably inside the ear canal and delivers sound directly into the ear. The ITC is smaller and not as visible compared to the larger ITE.
In-The-Ear (ITE)

In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aids are appropriate for most types of hearing loss and are recommended for adults and some older teenagers. The hearing device is housed within a custom-made shell that fits comfortably just inside the ear and delivers sound directly into the ear.
Open-fit mini-behind the ear (mini-BTE)

Mini Behind-the-Ear (mini-BTE) hearing aids are state of the art low profile devices that have a number advantages over traditional custom-fit devices. These hearing aids have most of the same features and benefits as full-size BTE devices but in a miniature case. They feature a small dome which fits into the ear canal, leaving the ear open to the environment. This open fit allows patients to hear low frequencies and their own voice more naturally, as well as avoid the feeling of pressure sometimes noted with custom fit products. Once fit into the ear, these hearing aids are virtually invisible.
Behind-The-Ear (BTE)

Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are extremely flexible for all ages and types of hearing loss. The hearing device is housed within a curved shell that sits behind each ear and delivers sound through a clear tube. The clear tube fits into a mold that fits the user’s ear. In general, BTE hearing aids are the most powerful of the devices.